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We are very happy to announce the 4th International Lipidomics Forum in Dortmund (ISAS) between 11th and 13th of November 2018 (lipidomics-forum.isas.de/ lipidomics-forum.fz-borstel.de). This symposium is the 4th meeting of an annual series of conferences on lipid biology and lipidomics. The forum provides a platform for interaction of international acknowledged scientists, students and young researchers. Specifically, we encourage young researchers to participate by poster presentations and short talks allowing them to receive advice from experts in the field. This symposium series will not only cover research highlights but also will offer tutorials on selected medical and methodical topics, which are in the focus of the Special Interest Group Lipid Analytics and Lipidomics of the DGMS. Students will be financially supported by travel grants of the DGMS. The registration and abstract submission platform is open and will be closed for early birds at the 30th of August. We are very excited to present this meeting and looking forward to lively discussions and many interactions.
The registration is open; we warmly welcome you to the ISAS Dortmund and looking forward to your visit and contribution.
The Organizers
Robert Ahrends (ISAS), Nils Hoffmann (ISAS), Dominik Kopczynski (ISAS), Nicolas Gisch (RCB) and Dominik Schwudke (RCB)
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The lipidomics standards initiative and LIFS will participate in the HUPO-PSI Spring Meeting 2018, April 18th - 20th, Heidelberg, Germany.
A session on Friday will be dedicated to requirements for lipidomics data standardization. Please get in contact, if you would like to join either in person or via Google Hangouts: Join the session.
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Meet the LIFS consortium members at Analytica 2018, April 10th - 13th, Munich, Germany.
We will present our latest advancements in the Multiomics and BIG DATA Tools for OMICS tracks, focusing on the integration of Lipidomics and Proteomics data.
See you in Munich!
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During last week's 7th International Singapore Lipid Symposium, organized by Prof. Markus R Wenk, the Lipidomics Standards Initiative (LSI) was officially launched by Dr. Kim Ekroos and PD. Dr. Gerhard Liebisch.
The aim of the LSI is to define standards for protocols, reporting and data exchange formats in lipidomics.
Stay tuned for more information on the LSI and how to get involved during the next months.
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Today, we are very pleased to announce the SpeCS v.0.6 release which applies the spectral comparison score (SCS) algorithm score LMs in relation to their structural similarity enabling a well-defined quality control approach for PRM based quantitation. The score is based on the Spearman’s rank correlation between fragment intensities in the query and library as well as the number of matched fragment. To automatize the scoring the software “SpeCS” was developed to
1) process raw peak lists,
2) generate customized spectral libraries,
3) perform SCS calculations, and
4) help to identify quantifier ions.
A set of filters can be employed to delete background signals and/or select only fragments that fit the compositional constraint of CnH3/2n-yOz (n=4,5,6…22; y: 0,1,2; z=0,1,2..5).
Download SpeCS v.0.6.
New in this release
Adam Wutkowskia, Matthias Krajewski, Navratan Bagwan, Mathias Schäfer, Bhesh R.Paudyal, Ulrich E. Schaible, Dominik Schwudke,
Software-aided quality control of parallel reaction monitoring based quantitation of lipid mediators,
Analytica Chimica Acta (2018),doi:10.1016/j.aca.2018.01.044
Bioanalytical Chemistry - Research Center Borstel
Dr. Domink Schwudke - Research group leader
Dr. Adam Wutkowski - Research Center Borstel