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We are looking for a master student (m/f/v) in Bioinformatics / Informatics for the research group Bioanalytical Chemistry (PD Dr.
Schwudke) at this time in the field of Lipidomics.
The goal of this master's thesis is to develop algorithms that will allow to incorporate lipid quantities into the lipidome homology computation. For this purpose an optimization function needs to be defined that helps to maximize the accuracy of the homology metric and should improve associations of phenotypic data to lipidomes (Eggers et al. Scientific Reports 2017).
The Research Center Borstel is an international science company, funded by the German federal government and the state of Schleswig-Holstein with 550 employees. Our central task is research and patient care in the field of respiratory diseases. We operate both, infrastructure of basic research as well as a medical clinic.
We have one goal: to improve existing methods for the detection, prevention and treatment of lung diseases and to develop new, innovative therapeutic approaches.
The Research Center Borstel encourages female candidates to apply and will be treated favourably in case of equal qualification. Disabled applicants with equal qualifications will be considered on a preferential basis.
For further information, please contact:
PD Dr. Dominik Schwudke, Email:
Dr. Fadi Al Machot Email:
Applicants are requested to send their cover letter, CV without picture and list of publication until December 1st, 2018 only via email to:
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- Category: News
The 66th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry took place in San Diego from June 2nd to June 7th.
Before the actual conference, Bing Peng and Robert Ahrends participated in the Skyline User Group meeting
and presented the latest advances in LipidCreator, a Skyline plugin for targeted lipidomics.
Members of LIFS and the associated Lipidomics groups were present at the main conference with a diverse number of posters and presentations:
MP 469 Proposal for a common nomenclature for fragment ions in mass spectra of lipids
Josch K Pauling [1]; Martin Hermansson [1]; Peter Husen [1]; Jürgen Hartler [2]; Sandra F. Gallego [1]; Bing Peng [3]; Robert Ahrends [3]; Christer Ejsing* [1] [4]
[1] University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; [2] Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria; [3] ISAS, Dortmund, Germany; [4] EMBL, Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Bing Peng [1]; Sascha Geue [2]; Cristina Coman [1]; Dominik Kopczynski [1]; Patrick Münzer [2]; Albert Sickmann [1]; Meinrad Gawaz [2]; Oliver Borst [2]; Robert Ahrends* [1]
[1] ISAS, Dortmund, Germany; [2] Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, Tuebingen, Germany
WP 511 Laser capture microdissection coupled with shotgun profiling reveals full-lipidome zonation in liver
Olga Vvedenskaya*; Oskar Knittelfelder; Sofia Traikov; Andrej Shevchenko
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Dresden, Germany
WP 520 LipidCreator: A new bridge between targeted and non-targeted LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics
Bing Peng* [1]; Dominik Kopczynski [1]; Nils Hoffmann [1]; Brian Pratt [2]; Dominik Schwudke [3]; Christer S. Ejsing [4] [5]; Brendan MacLean [2]; Robert Ahrends [1]
[1] ISAS, Dortmund, Germany; [2] University of Washington Genome Sciences, Seattle, WA; [3] Research Center Borstel, Leibniz-Center for Medicine and Biosciences, Borstel, Germany; [4] University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; [5] Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany
Oral presentations:
Guidelines for Lipidomics Analysis and Reporting – the Lipidomics Standards Initiative (LSI)
Gerhard Liebisch* [1]; John A. Bowden [2]; William J. Griffiths [3]; Robert Ahrends [4]; Todd W Mitchell [5]; Makoto Arita [6]; Christer Ejsing [7]; Michal Holčapek [8]; Markus R. Wenk [9]; Kim Ekroos [10]
[1] Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany; [2] Chemical Sciences Division, Hollings Marine Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA, Charleston, SC; [3] Swansea University Medical School, ILS1 Building, Singleton Park, Swansea, United Kingdom; [4] Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften-ISAS-e.V., Dortmund, Germany; [5] School of Medicine, Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Wollongong, Australia; [6] Laboratory for Metabolomics, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), Tsurumi, Kanagawa 230-0045, Yokohama, Japan; [7] Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, VILLUM Center for Bioanalytical Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5230, Odense, Denmark; [8] Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic; [9] Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (SLING), Department of Biochemistry, YLL School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore; [10] Lipidomics Consulting Ltd., FI-02230, Esbo, Finland
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Today, we are very pleased to announce the SpeCS v.0.7 release.
The new version enables now to utilize XReport (Xcalibur, Thermo) generated peak lists as import into SpeCS. Such generated peak lists can directly be used as Query in SpeCS without any modification (see also Readme-File).
Additionally, this release contains an updated library of LMs for the Q Exactive with 13 new lipid mediators.
Download SpeCS v.0.7.
GUI for the calculation of the Spectra Comparison Score (SCS). SpeCS is able to automatically filter peak lists by matching with a library of background or target mass lists. Peak lists are compared considering user definable settings for mass accuracy and intensity threshold settings. The calculation of the score is based on Spearman's rank correlation of matched signals.
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The article Identification of key lipids critical for platelet activation by comprehensive analysis of the platelet lipidome was recently published in the international journal Blood.
In this paper, Bing Peng and co-workers report the first quantitative analysis of dynamic platelet lipidome modulation, revealing key lipids being altered in platelet activation. They further identify SMPD1 as a powerful modulator of the platelet lipidome and its activation via regulation of lyso-sphingomyelin.
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We are very happy to announce the 4th International Lipidomics Forum in Dortmund (ISAS) between 11th and 13th of November 2018 (lipidomics-forum.isas.de/ lipidomics-forum.fz-borstel.de). This symposium is the 4th meeting of an annual series of conferences on lipid biology and lipidomics. The forum provides a platform for interaction of international acknowledged scientists, students and young researchers. Specifically, we encourage young researchers to participate by poster presentations and short talks allowing them to receive advice from experts in the field. This symposium series will not only cover research highlights but also will offer tutorials on selected medical and methodical topics, which are in the focus of the Special Interest Group Lipid Analytics and Lipidomics of the DGMS. Students will be financially supported by travel grants of the DGMS. The registration and abstract submission platform is open and will be closed for early birds at the 30th of August. We are very excited to present this meeting and looking forward to lively discussions and many interactions.
The registration is open; we warmly welcome you to the ISAS Dortmund and looking forward to your visit and contribution.
The Organizers
Robert Ahrends (ISAS), Nils Hoffmann (ISAS), Dominik Kopczynski (ISAS), Nicolas Gisch (RCB) and Dominik Schwudke (RCB)