Welcome to the web portal for Lipidomics Informatics for Life Sciences (LIFS)

Even with lipid content of over 10% in the human body, lipids were not the central scientific focus during the last decade. However, more and more evidence proves that non-genetically determined molecules such as metabolites and lipids play a critical role in cellular regulation. Today, it is evident that lipids are not only crucial for energy homeostasis and as an environmental-cellular barrier but also that they represent a central part of our signal transduction machinery.

Disruptions of the sensitive lipid metabolism are highly correlated with different diseases, including thrombocytopenia, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and hyperlipidemia. This is especially true for the latter, which also reach pandemic levels. Therefore, lipid metabolism is becoming an emerging scientific field and is a central part of pharmacological research today (statins, cyclooxygenase inhibitors, endurobol in doping). Thus, the mission of the LIFS is to provide the bioinformatic framework to understand lipids in context and create an integrative systems biology view for lipid research.


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Lipidomics Tools

Lipidomics Reporting Checklist

The lipidomics checklist was designed to provide a standardized creation of lipidomics experiment reports. It guides the user through the several experimental stages requesting for essential information. It provides a standard report as pdf possible publication and DOI assignment.


LipidSpace is a stand-alone tool to analyze and compare lipidomes by assessing their structural differences. A graph-based comparison of lipid structures allows to calculate distances between lipids and to determine similarities across lipidomes.


LipidCreator is a powerful kick-off tool for targeted lipidomics and an external tool for Skyline. It provides convenient methods to generate transition lists for labeled and unlabeled lipids. LipidCreator can also run in stand-alone mode for integration with other workflows.


LipidXplorer is a software that supports a variety of untargeted shotgun lipidomics experiments. It uses user-defined MFQL rules to identify and quantify lipids. It is designed to support bottom-up and top-down shotgun experiments on all types of tandem MS platforms.

Goslin Webapp

Reference implementation for the Grammar of succint lipid nomenclature (GOSLIN). Goslin defines multiple grammars compatible with ANTLRv4 for different sources of shorthand lipid nomenclature to generate parsers for lipid name parsing and validation.


LIFS Web Apps

We provide most of our tools as web-applications additionally to the stand-alone versions. Please click below to go the web application portal to see the available tools. Please note that you may need to contact us to receive a user-account for some of the applications.


mzTab Validator

Reference validator for mzTab 2.0 for metabolomics. mzTab-M 2.0 is a data exchange format for mass-spectrometry-based experimental data from the "omics" and neighboring sciences, focusing on small molecules like metabolites and lipids.

LUX Score

LUX score is the first metric for comparing lipidomes. It provides a measure of homology between lipidomes similar to genetic analyses (Marella et al. 2015, PLOS Comp. Biol) based on structural similarities between SMILES and visualizes the results.


The spectral comparison score (SCS) algorithm provides a well-defined quality control approach for PRM based quantitation of lipid mediators. The score is based on the correlation between structural similarity and MS/MS fragmentation profile.

Uni Wien
fz borstel
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Supported by the German BMBF
Supported by the Austrian BMBWF