Release Note: LipidXplorer 1.2.8
Citing LipidXplorer
If you use this software release in your own work, please cite it with the following DOI:

Please reference LipidXplorer in general by citing the following publication:
Herzog R, Schuhmann K, Schwudke D, Sampaio JL, Bornstein SR, Schroeder M, et al. (2012) LipidXplorer: A Software for Consensual Cross-Platform Lipidomics. PLoS ONE 7(1): e29851.
Herzog R, Schwudke D, Schuhmann K, Sampaio JL, Bornstein SR, Schroeder M, Shevchenko A (2011) A novel informatics concept for high-throughput shotgun lipidomics based on the molecular fragmentation query language. Genome Biol. 2011;12(1):R8.
Additionally, if you are using a particular version of LipidXplorer, from version 1.2.8 onwards, each release has a citable DOI for LipidXplorer@Zenodo.
Release Note: LipidXplorer 1.2.8, October 14th, 2019
Improved Import Performance and Implementation of Frequency Filtering
Fadi Al Machot, Nils Hoffmann, Jacobo Miranda Ackerman and Dominik Schwudke
This release is focused on improving the import module and implementing the recently introduced filtering approach based on counting reoccurrences of peaks in MS-scans and MS/MS-scans conceptually following Schuhmann et al. [1]. All other general functionalities of the former releases should not be affected [2-5]. Further changes were made for better documentation and simpler user guidance. Some experimental and/or unused options were deactivated (grouping samples, heuristic hierarchical alignment, dta/csv import). Details are listed below.
The frequency based filtering is active for the *.mzXML and *.mzML import module. For this release we have tested both *.mzXML and *.mzML files after conversion with msConvert of *.raw files of a Q Exactive instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany)[6]. The LipidXplorer (LX) software and also this improved import module were developed for shotgun lipidomics experiments.
Please see the full release notes document for further details on the evaluation.
LipidXplorer for Windows LipidXplorer benchmark data
Installation instructions and Tutorials for LipidXplorer are available here.