The LipidXte web application provides automatic correction for lipid HCD MS/MS spectra from Orbitrap instruments and is dedicated to supporting accurate quantification of molecular lipid species. The application is specifically designed to support easy access to established correction functions with minimum interference requirements.

Kai Schuhmann, HongKee Moon, Henrik Thomas, Jacobo Miranda Ackerman, Michael Groessl, Nicolai Wagner, Markus Kellmann, Ian Henry, André Nadler, and Andrej Shevchenko.
Quantitative Fragmentation Model for Bottom-Up Shotgun Lipidomics.
Analytical Chemistry 2019 91 (18), 12085-12093
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03270

Uni Wien
fz borstel
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Supported by the German BMBF
Supported by the Austrian BMBWF