LIFS is co-organizing the Summer school on Integration of Large Scale Lipidomics Data in Systems Medicine Research (LipoSysMed) in Leipzig will introduce young researchers into the field of lipidomics data acquisition and analysis strategies with the focus of Omics data integration into the systems medicine research.

LipoSysMed is planned as an educational and training event based on the interdisciplinary exchange between biochemists, clinicians, analytical chemists, and computer scientists to provide the participants with the full overview of the current status of lipidome analysis strategies and data integration solutions.

The main aims of the summer school are to introduce early stage researches into the field of lipidomics with the focus on understanding the nature of clinical data and associated mass spectrometry derived datasets as well as bioinformatics solutions for lipidomics data analysis and further integration into multi-dimensional datasets.

The goal of LipoSysMed is to provide to all participants the training necessary to work with raw lipidomics datasets aiming its integration in systems medicine workflows via intensive interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and networking between young scientists, advanced PhD students, postdoctoral trainers and a panel of outstanding international experts.

Application deadline has been extended till: 25January, 2019

>>> Apply here ! <<<

Uni Wien
fz borstel
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Supported by the German BMBF
Supported by the Austrian BMBWF