Welcome to the first JOINT
Online Meeting cohosted by iLS
29th September to 2nd October 2020
Dear lipidomics scientists,
we are happy to invite you to the online Joint 8th European Lipidomics Meeting (ELM) – 6th Lipidomics Forum cohosted by the International Lipidomics Society (iLS), which will take place from 29th September to 2nd October 2020. The meeting will be free of charge – please register to receive connection details.
Beside discussion about lipidomics guidelines, chaired by Lipidomics Standard Initiative (LSI), the meeting has two keynotes by Valerie O’Donnell, Cardiff University, UK and Erin Baker, Raleigh, USA as well as sessions for young scientists with talks selected from abstracts (abstract deadline is 15th September) including best talk award. Moreover, plenaries and tutorials on October 1st (LIFS Bioinformatics for Lipidomics Workshop at ELM 2020) and 2nd (bioinformatics symposium) will introduce and discuss the latest bioinformatics for lipidomics.
We are looking forward to discuss with you soon. Stay safe and well!
With kind regards
Ralph Burkhardt, Gerhard Liebisch, Silke Matysik (Regensburg)
Robert Ahrends (Wien) and Dominik Schwudke (Borstel)