Extended Abstract Submission and Early Bird Registration Deadlines for Lipidomics Forum 2019

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Early bird registration will close on September 8th 2019. Abstract submission will close on September 15th 2019. Applications for student travel grants will still be possible after the deadline.

We are very happy to announce the 5th International Lipidomics Forum in Borstel (FZ-Borstel) between 10th and 12th of November 2019. This symposium is the 5th meeting of an annual series of conferences on lipid biology and lipidomics. The forum provides a platform for interaction of international acknowledged scientists, students and young researchers. Specifically, we encourage young researchers to participate by poster presentations and short talks allowing them to receive advice from experts in the field. This symposium series will not only cover research highlights but also will offer tutorials on selected medical and methodical topics, which are in the focus of the Special Interest Group Lipid Analytics and Lipidomics of the DGMS. Students will be financially supported by travel grants of the DGMS. We are very excited to present this meeting and looking forward to lively discussions and many interactions.


Before this year's Lipidomics Forum 2019 in Borstel, Germany kicks off on the evening of Sunday, November 10th, 2019, LIFS will host two lipidomics tool and workflow workshops. Based on the participant surveys of previous trainings, we will offer two separate courses this year to allow for more hands-on time with the tools and data.

Please go to the Lipidomics Forum registration to sign up for one of the courses (they will be taught in parallel).

More information on the course may be found [here].

Foundation of the International Lipidomics Society (ILS):

Dear Lipidomics Forum attendee, it is with great pleasure that we announce to host the foundation of the International Lipidomics Society (ILS) during our conference. The main aim of the society is to bring together the worldwide lipid community, and represent and promote lipidomics through worldwide cooperation and collaborations. ILS will foster the development of new technologies, resources and skills needed for tackling important research questions in lipid research. If you are interested please join us for the inaugural ceremony.

The registration is open; we warmly welcome you to Borstel and looking forward to your visit and contribution.

The Organizers

Robert Ahrends (ISAS), Nils Hoffmann (ISAS), Dominik Kopczynski (ISAS), Nicolas Gisch (RCB), Jutta Passarger (RCB) and Dominik Schwudke (RCB)